Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
More Blizzard news
The state police have closed all the highways. How are people going to get home? Johnnie is out there trying to get in from Dallas. Wayne is stuck out by ski island in traffic that won't move. I am so praying for them both. My sliding glass door has so much ice on it and snow between the screen and the door that it is frozen shut. The breezeway is full of drift snow. I have 2 1/2" piled in front of my door. Gee what a mess it is out there.
Blizzard of December 2009
I am thankful I am home safe,sound and warm. I have a fire in the fireplace but the wind gusts keep pushing the smoke into the apartment every so often yuck. I still haven't heard that my little Brother Wayne got home yet. Since he is a bread man EVERYONE wants bread during a snow storm. All of the clinics got shut down earlier than the noon closing time for Christmas Eve. I have been looking forward to my eldest Daughter Heather and her husband my Son in law David coming to visit, but it is so very bad I know they can't come. You can't see to drive because the wind gusts create white outs. The roads aren't great and there are power outages. We can't drive around and see the lights and sights in this weather it is too yucky. My drive home wasn't too great because the rain freezes on the windshield even as the wipers try to clear it. I will call my baby and be sure they are safe. This stuff could even be headed their way. Be safe all.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
United 93 on Sept 11th
I watched the "Flight 93" movie again. I have only seen it once before. They had a TV program about it years ago and how the movie was made from piecing together actions from the many phone calls made from the plane. It still makes me cry. In going through stuff I found that I have two different movies of the same event. I'll watch the other one at some point and see what their take on this is. Knowing how Sept 11th changed our lives forever it just renews my stand behind our military and increases my prayers for their success. Since there is nothing else I can do I have to take comfort in that. I am so blessed to live in this country even with all our crime we are so blessed. I try to be careful and be very grateful. Blessings to us all.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Agatha Christie Play
I went with Mom and Dad to the Jewel Box Theatre last night and saw the Agatha Christie play "And then there were none". I was surprised since having seen the movie of it I thought I knew the ending. Wow, and then there were none. How bout that. I didn't have to work today so I slept in until 9:30, very late for me. Mom and Dad brought lunch over. It was delicious Taco Bell. Dad has always supplied dessert, his favorite candy bars. It is colder here but at least the rain has gone away for now. I am working on Christmas stockings for the Grandkids classes.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
October 11th
Wow this would have been my anniversary. It is cold and cloudy but I am snug inside with a fire going. This weekend my cousin Jean passed away. For several reasons the hospital will have her cremated. My Mom her Aunt has a problem with cremation. I am praying for Mother to be able to handle this. My youngest Grandson had a respiratory emergency last night so I spent a lot of time in prayer for him. I am getting through my meds to be over the flu and my sinus infection. Hopefully the start of the week will be a return to "normal". I am going through stuff and getting it ready to go to the kids and grandkids. I have become excited by emply cabinets, never had them before.
Friday, October 9, 2009
How exciting for my eldest Granddaughter
Autumn's art work has been selected to represent the 2nd grade in the annual art show at the Botanical Gardens. I am so happy for her and so pleased for the family.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me. I am having a good day. I went to the Chapel Service at church this morning. Mom and Dad called me at 10:09 AM to mark my birth. I have gone through lots of stuff this weekend and boxes stuff for the children and thrown away a lot of stuff that no longer seems important. We all go through stages when "stuff" is keepable then it loses it's critical need to keep. I had the goal of paying all my bill when I turned 50. Well of course I haven't paid everything off but with that goal in mind it has given me the mind set I needed to get a good start on it. Life keeps getting in the way but the goal is now "pay stuff try not to add to your collections". HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME I am going to have a great rest of my day learning how to be 51.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Praying for My Family
Dear Lord,
I am praying for the health of my family, their mental,physical and spiritual health. Cousin Jean is fighting for her life. Cousin Patsy is battling for her health. Thankfully my Dad's possible heart problem isn't. My Mother needs healing for her hip and legs and the continued good heart health. My Brother is working 60 hours a week and I don't think he is thrilled about it. My Daughter isn't feeling well and has so much to do in her life it makes her feel even worse. My other Daughter has 3 kids she is trying to keep well and health issues herself. Lord don't let either of my Daughter's inherit my kidney problems. I can only pray for each of them and love them lots. I thank You for my home and car and my job. Help me to spend money wisely. I feel like I have had the trials so now I ask for Your calm and patience. Bless Us All with Your hedge of protection in our lives, You loving arms around us, Your peace that passes all understanding.
I am praying for the health of my family, their mental,physical and spiritual health. Cousin Jean is fighting for her life. Cousin Patsy is battling for her health. Thankfully my Dad's possible heart problem isn't. My Mother needs healing for her hip and legs and the continued good heart health. My Brother is working 60 hours a week and I don't think he is thrilled about it. My Daughter isn't feeling well and has so much to do in her life it makes her feel even worse. My other Daughter has 3 kids she is trying to keep well and health issues herself. Lord don't let either of my Daughter's inherit my kidney problems. I can only pray for each of them and love them lots. I thank You for my home and car and my job. Help me to spend money wisely. I feel like I have had the trials so now I ask for Your calm and patience. Bless Us All with Your hedge of protection in our lives, You loving arms around us, Your peace that passes all understanding.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thank You Jesus
I am so thankful today. Dad went to the hospital on advise from his cardiology on call since the office was closed to go to ER. Testing and patient evaluation done they believe it to have been acid reflux and not heart. Since the man is never sick or puny he would never have known. I am at peace to know he is sensable enough to go to ER in any event. Mother stayed strong for him and was at his side. Both are such a blessing to me and to so many others. I am so thankful for the prayers of my family and friends for my Dad. Most of all I say Thank You Jesus for taking such good care of my Dad.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunny Sunday
I went to the Sunday Chapel service today. It was great, the church seats about 3000 but the chapel seats 500. Very cozy and beautiful. Hymns instead of the newer music. Pipe organ music, oh it was delightful. I went to Mom and Dad's station (they are ushers) and got morning hugs. They come over after service and breakfast for a short visit. I will be sure to have the computer on so they can check out Heather's blog. I really like my place, my best off day is to not have to go anywhere. I went to see my Brother and Sister in law after work Saturday. They are fine. Their dogs are fine. The newer one Zoey is a wild child. They can't put anything on their deck or the dog chews it to death. They must love that dog,lol. Well I will talk to everyone soon.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Glad to be home
I had a great day at work, I worked many positions during the day which makes the day pass quickly. My feet don't like having me stand all day so by the end of my day they are screaming. I try to spend some time sitting when I can. I love being helpful so getting to do different stuff today was fun. If I could remember all of the new stuff everyday I am sure I could be more helpful. I got to speak to both of my daughters so of course that made me thrilled. I get to talk to my Mom and Dad whenever I want to and I'm loving that. I am remembering my daughter Heather's statement of "an attitude of gratitude". That is so good. I am looking forward to the new television season. Should be fun. Blessing to us all.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today is my babies Birthday
Happy Birthday to Bonnie. She is recovering from oral surgery so her mouth hurts even on her birthday, poor baby. I hope the box I sent her gets there today, that should help her smile.
I am praying for my other Daughter Heather as she is working really hard. I pray for all of the children and sons in law and my grandchildren every day anyway.
Mother may not have her surgery just yet. The surgeon gave her a question list and since her eyes aren't actually effecting her life why have the surgery right now.
I'm like Mom I don't want any surgery or etc unless it is way needed.
I am praying for my other Daughter Heather as she is working really hard. I pray for all of the children and sons in law and my grandchildren every day anyway.
Mother may not have her surgery just yet. The surgeon gave her a question list and since her eyes aren't actually effecting her life why have the surgery right now.
I'm like Mom I don't want any surgery or etc unless it is way needed.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mom to have surgery.
My Mother will finally have to have cateract surgery. One eye at a time of course. She is to let me know when so I can be with her. She has Dad there and doesn't actually need me but I feel better being there. She and Dad have alway been there for me. She has been told that she can't be driving any more until she gets her eyes fixed. She is like Heather --doctor get away and don't touch me--- lol. Actually she and my dad are so very healthy, so are my kids. I am happy so I try to ignore everything else..allergies,etc. I pray for her peace of mind. I got to hear the recording of my Granddaughters and I could hear Bonnie's voice also thanks to my Heather. How wonderful. Blessings to all. I am going to try to make up my lost hours last week (sinus infection caused headache) I shouldn't have too much trouble. I have the PTO's I just don't want to use them, I'd rather have overtime so I can pay bills and stuff. You know LIFE. hahaha
Good night.
Good night.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Normally I work saturdays but too many people were signed up to work today so I bowed out. I got to sleep 2 1/2 hours longer than normal. I have piddled around my home and crocheted and watched cartoons even. I have just had a great fun day. Best of all my Mom and Dad came over to visit. They brought Taco Bell tacos too, what fun. I talked Mom into staying a while to visit more and after promising Dad I'd bring her home he left to do his house stuff. She and I stopped by a Walgreens on the way to her house. What a normal thing to do and what fun. I like visits with my parents, they are so smart and are so much fun. They know my failings and love me anyway. I am so glad they like my apartment because their opinion matters to me. Dad was with me when I looked at it and he didn't find anything objectional about it. My nails have been really long for quite awhile so it is only natual they start breaking. oh well I'll cut the rest so I don't look raggedy. I am having a good weekend, hope you are too.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
God is my Boss
I have been blessed to have the Parents I do. All my life they have taught me a great work ethic. I have had several jobs in my life and at times I had to remember that God is my ultimate Boss because the human in charge can sometimes be a jerk. My current work situation has been a blessing, I have been assigned to several different departments but have loved each assignment. I have a good attitude about each transfer and when I have had questions about them my Parents were always there for me to use as sounding boards. Currently I am working as a Greeter to be sure patients don't get lost or making sure they don't get stuck in a line when it is not necessary. I love seeing the people and rather than just standing there I open doors for people coming in and leaving with a good morning,afternoon or a goodbye. It is amazing how much it means to people to hear a pleasant word. I did this for July and now they (the managers) have extended it to August. What September will hold I don't know but I know my Boss is in control so I will enjoy this assignment and trust God to line up my future. I do my job (whatever assignment I am given) my very best and I enjoy it. That doesn't mean my feet,legs and back even shoulders don't hurt some days but my Spirit is good because I did good work. I miss my little shoulder massages, but they grew up and have homes of their own now. The Bible tells us that whatsoever we put our hand to, do our best as unto the Lord. A very good practice.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wonderful Wednesday
I am so thankful to work in an airconditioned building. The temp on the way home was 106. I am praying extra for my Brother as he is in the heat. Our soldiers are also with heavy clothes and packs. I really appreciate all they are doing for us.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Missing My Children

I am missing my children and grandchildren. I am where I am supposed to be in my life right now but that doesn't mean I don't miss hugging my kids. I love hearing from them and they call often. I will visit eventually but it is not the same as seeing them everyday. I know my parents like having me close. I love getting to see my parents whenever I want to. I lived away from them for so very many years. I am glad I have a blessed relationship with them. That is probably why I have such a good relationship with my children.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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